Global Resources and International Conflict
Arthur H Westing
Not Available
Space Weapons and International Security
Bhupendra Head of SIPRIs programme of research on the miltary use of outer space and 1 more
Satellites for Arms Control and Crisis Monitoring
Bhupendra Jasani
Arms and Disarmament: SIPRI Findings
Marek Research Fellow and 3 more
The Uncertain Course
Carl G Senior Research Officer and 2 more
Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1971-85
Michael Researcher and 5 more
The Soviet Defence Enigma
Arms and Artificial Intelligence
Allan M Senior Research Fellow and 2 more
Nuclear Weapon Tests
Jozef Senior Researcher and 2 more
Arms Transfer Limitations and Third World Security
Thomas former Researcher and Project Leader for Arms Trade Project at SIPRI now Researcher and 1 more
Cultural Norms, War and the Environment
Arthur H and 2 more
Bases Abroad
Robert E Professor of Political Science and 2 more
Success and Failure in Arms Control Negotiations
April Freelance writer and peace researcher formerly Tutor in Politics and Fellow and 1 more
United States Military Forces and Installations in Europe
Simon Research Fellow and 2 more
Security at Sea
Richard Research Fellow and 2 more
Security with Nuclear Weapons?
Regina and 1 more
Germany and Europe in Transition
Adam Daniel Senior Researcher and 6 more
Arms Export Regulations
Ian Researcher and 2 more
Restructuring of Arms Production in Western Europe
Michael Researcher and 4 more
Security Without Nuclear Weapons?
Regina SIPRI and 1 more
Europe and Naval Arms Control in the Gorbachev Era
Andreas and 1 more
The Limited Partnership
James E Distinguished Service Professor of International Peace and Security and 1 more
Arms Industry Limited
Herbert and 1 more
Central and Eastern Europe
India's ad hoc Arsenal
Chris Senior Research Fellow and 4 more
Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Global Order
Harald Senior Researcher and Director of International Programmes and 1 more
Conventional Arms Control
Sergey Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Military Conversion Project and 1 more
Regional Conflicts
James E Distinguished Service Professor and 3 more
Technology and the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Richard former SIPRI Project CoLeader and 1 more
Nuclear Weapons After the Comprehensive Test Ban
Eric SIPRI Project Leader and 1 more
Ballistic Missile Proliferation
Aaron former SIPRI Project Leader and 3 more
Europe from the Balkans to the Urals
Reneo and 5 more
Russia and Europe
Vladimir SIPRI Project Leader and 1 more
Plutonium and Highly Enriched Uranium 1996
David President and 4 more
Military Capacity and the Risk of War
The Defence Industry in East-Central Europe
Yudit formerly consultant to the UN World Institute for Development and Economic Research UN WIDER and 1 more
Russia and the Arms Trade
Ian SIPRI Project Leader and 1 more
Disarmament and Defence Industrial Adjustment in South Africa
Peter Senior Researcher and 4 more
Russia and Asia
Gennady SIPRI Project Leader and 1 more
Arms Procurement Decision Making: Volume 2: Chile, Greece, Malaysia, Poland, South Africa, and Taiwan
Ravinder Pal and 1 more
A Future Arms Control Agenda
Ian and 1 more
The Security of the Caspian Sea Region
Gennady and 1 more
The Regulation of Arms and Dual-Use Exports
Ian and 2 more
The Use of Force in Peace Operations
Trevor SIPRI Project Leader and 1 more
Transparency in Nuclear Warheads and Materials
Nicholas and 1 more
Business and Security
Alyson J K and 2 more
Budgeting for the Military Sector in Africa
Wuyi SIPRI Omitoogun
The Nordic Countries and the European Security and Defence Policy
Humanitarian Military Intervention
Taylor B and 1 more
Governing the Bomb
Hans and 3 more
Arms Industry Transformation and Integration
Judit Kiss and 1 more
In Stock
£75.60 £84.00
The Security Activities of External Actors in Africa
Olawale and 5 more
The New Nuclear Forensics
Vitaly Senior Researcher and 2 more